Boost Your Immunity Series Vol. 2: Restore your gut environment and boost your immunity!
Hello! I am Kurihashi, a staff member at Suzuki Herb Laboratory.
Our laboratory publishes information to help you live a peaceful life with a healthy body and equally healthy skin.
The theme of this post is "Boost Your Immunity by Restoring Your Gut Environment".
1. The Key to Good Health is Your Gut Environment
The brain is an important center that controls your whole body, but your gut is called "the second brain" because it makes decisions by itself and can prevent diseases, even without orders from the brain. Furthermore, the gut has the ability to produce serotonin, which can influence our mental health and happiness.
It's important to balance our gut environment for the sake of a healthy body and mind.
There are said to be 30,000 species of 100~1,000 trillion living intestinal bacteria inside the human gut. We can broadly classify the bulk of bacteria into 3 categories: "good bacteria," "bad bacteria," and "opportunistic pathogens." The greater the number of good bacteria, the better our immunity becomes.
On the other hand, an increase in bad pathogens causes toxic substances to be produced; absorbed by the intestines, and circulated all over the body, these will lead to an unbalanced gut environment.
In that scenario, our immunity weakens. We experience more constipation, our hormones become imbalanced, and our body's condition declines. In addition, the risk of catching a cold, getting sick, or getting infected by a virus rises.
Let's decrease the bad bacteria and increase the good by maintaining your intestinal environment!
2. Achieve Beautiful Skin! Foods to Increase Good Bacteria
The main factor in maintaining the gut environment is our daily diet. To increase the number of good bacteria, we recommend that you eat lots of food that contains good bacteria.
The classic example is lactobacillus. Many people think of yogurt when they hear "lactobacillus." But there are actually many plant-based lactobacilli in Japanese fermented foods, such as pickled vegetables, miso, and soy sauce.
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