What is the role of beauty bacteria for the skin? Let's try to increase the number of special bacteria for the beauty and health of your skin!
“Beauty Bacteria” (the scientific name is “Epidermal Staphylococcus”) has recently become one of the hottest topics on television and in magazines.
Often, this type of bacteria is called intestinal flora, but
Bacteria of Beauty are resident bacteria that make up the flora of the skin as a whole.
Beauty bacteria perform an important function: they break down sebum, sweat and keep the skin environment slightly oxidized. Bacteria also help to reproduce natural auxiliary components, due to which the skin remains clean and moisturized. However, reducing the number of beauty bacteria leads to a disruption of the natural acid-base balance. Thus, the skin becomes alkalized to become dry, flabby, prone to irritation.
The beauty bacteria, known for its beneficial properties, can be revived on its own, with a little effort. Suffice it to not neglect the correct methods of skin care, diet and use high-quality cosmetics. So, we will tell you in detail some of the secrets of beauty. You just have to remember some steps that will lead you to beautiful skin.
The beauty and quality of the skin depends on the bacteria of beauty!?
What is this "beauty bacteria" that lives on the skin?
"Flora of the skin" mainly consists of three elements:
good bacteria, bad bacteria and opportunistic bacteria.
Beautiful skin = Beauty bacteria (skin bacteria)
"Good" bacteria in the skin flora are called "epidermal staphylococcus". This type of skin bacteria works more actively on weakly oxidized skin. Excess sebum can cause inflammation on the skin, but if you lead an active lifestyle, play sports, (respectively sweat), the skin flora prepares the ground for new skin cells. Thus, the skin looks beautiful and natural, and various problems such as acne or flabbiness of the skin go away.
Bad skin = bad bacteria
Conversely, the alkaline environment causes the activation of harmful bacteria, which often causes inflammation and acne. To maintain acid-base balance, try not to wash your skin too often. In addition, products containing alcohol and preservatives reduce the number of beneficial bacteria, so avoid using them if possible.
Good and bad quality skin = opportunistic bacteria
Conditionally pathogenic bacteria, can be a helper to "good bacteria", if their number on the skin prevails. But at the same time it can help "bad bacteria" on the skin, where the number of bad ones prevails. It is important to create an excellent state of good bacteria, making every day efforts. After all, this bacterium can be very useful just as harmful, depending on the initial state of the skin.
What are the advantages of the skin with a predominance of good bacteria and the disadvantages of the skin with a predominance of harmful bacteria?
Beauty bacteria make the skin moist, and you - beautiful
You can keep your skin in good condition, if you take care of the right amount of beauty bacteria on it. One of the most frequent skin problems is dullness or excessively greasy, but you can achieve a positive effect by increasing the number of bacteria that are good for the skin.
In an attempt to bring the skin to a moist and saturated state, acne appears. It is important to remember about the weakly acidic environment, which weakens the function of harmful bacteria that cause acne.
An excessive amount of harmful bacteria causes dry skin and leads to various inflammations.
If the number of harmful bacteria increases, the barrier function, which maintains skin moisture, decreases, and therefore various rashes, such as acne, appear.
This may also be one of the causes of itching and atopy. Bad bacteria are often amplified as a result of stress, eating habits, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, or exposure to strong ultraviolet light. It is important to consciously approach the issue of health and beauty every day.
To increase the number of necessary bacteria of the skin, it is not enough just moisturizing lotion.
It should be included in the use of cosmetics, containing in its composition with lactic acid bacteria.
The activity of beneficial bacteria helps cleanse the intestines and skin
The main stimulator in reproduction of the necessary cells are “lactic acid bacteria”. With regular use of fermented milk bacteria contained in yogurt or cheese, the state of the intestines improves, the skin becomes stronger and the water content in the body increases. Milk-borne bacteria are important bacteria that prepare the right environment for the skin, in which the “beauty bacteria” we need begin their activation, which is why it is recommended to include sour-milk products in a permanent diet.
Cosmetics containing “Lactic acid bacteria” will help to increase the correct bacteria.
At the same time, it is useful to remember about bacterial activity, including lactic acid bacteria, not only from the inside but also from the outside. By consuming fermented foods consciously, you naturally improve the intestinal environment, thereby strengthening your health. But do not forget about the external care recommended for those who want to combine business with pleasure, combined diet + cosmetics, which contain fermented milk bacteria.
Cosmetics containing lactic acid bacteria, can keep your skin in a weakly acidic environment, which can increase the amount of beauty bacteria and make the skin more beautiful.
Conclusion / Let's keep our beauty
skin along with bacteria beauty!
Properly functioning, flora provides stability and has a good effect on the skin, so harmful and opportunistic bacteria come to the right balance.
With a good condition of the skin flora, the number of regular bacteria also increases, which leads the skin to a state of a weakly acidic environment. The protective function also perfectly does its job, protecting the skin from external influences, such as excessive dryness and ultraviolet radiation.
The skin is rich in bacteria of beauty, it becomes clean, smooth and smooth. If you already think about the right balance of skin from today and use our recommendations, you will forget about such problems as rudeness, flaking, inflammation and premature aging of the skin. It is also recommended to adhere to the correct eating habits, including those rich in sour-milk bacteria, as well as use cosmetics with lactic acid bacteria that will help you to stay in perfect condition for all times.
Use this opportunity through improving the diet and the use of high-quality cosmetics with lactobacilli in the composition.
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