The Japanese national holiday ( Mamemaki )
Hello everyone!
My name is Alisa, I’m came from Kyrgyzstan and currently studying in Japan under the exchange student program. At the Suzuki Herb Laboratory I work as translator.

I learned that Setsubun Day Celebration is one of the oldest and most interesting traditions in the Japan. It means two opposing interacting principles underlying the universe: light and dark, positive and negative, active and passive, female and male. These beginnings confront each other, so that causes the danger, that’s why Japanese do such a special ceremony.
My name is Alisa, I’m came from Kyrgyzstan and currently studying in Japan under the exchange student program. At the Suzuki Herb Laboratory I work as translator.
At the February 3rd, we visited the Japanese national holiday Mamemaki. It was the first time for me when I had such experience.

I learned that Setsubun Day Celebration is one of the oldest and most interesting traditions in the Japan. It means two opposing interacting principles underlying the universe: light and dark, positive and negative, active and passive, female and male. These beginnings confront each other, so that causes the danger, that’s why Japanese do such a special ceremony.
When we arrived at the Muramatsu temple, the Mamemaki ceremony had already begun. Firstly we stood with all the people and suddenly they began to throw a various sweets, coins, tangerines and the beans, for sure. The people were so active and I was a little confused because didn't expect such turn. In the end, I caught almost nothing, but it was a lot of fun! After that, came our turn and we are together with the Suzuki Herb and others performed a prayer ritual, after which we are threw the treats to people! It was my favorite part! It was so funny and the mood was on a very high level.
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